The traits of character, confidence, curiosity and compassion are what we aim to inculcate in School. Our
role, quite simply is to develop the potential and proclivities within each individual student, leading to a life of
individual fulfillment.
We ensure that academic skills are understood in context so that they may be applied only for
good. Teaching and training in science, literature, history, mathematics, art or games, culture – whatever the subject – is
based on this philosophy.
Mathematics develops the logical mind; science illuminates our world, both living and inanimate with astonishing
precision; history, the sense of culture and continuity without which we have no sense of belonging and no
appreciation of the varieties of thought and experience of different traditions; participation in games and sports
combines the instincts of competition and teamwork as possibly no other activity can and builds physical as well as
mental endurance.
In literature, music and art we experience language, image, melody or rhythm at their most
appealing and powerful, developing aesthetic, sensitivity and compassion; psychology makes us aware of what is
under the surface in ourselves and in others; and in professional courses in the