Fee Structure

Tentative Fee Structure ( 2023-24)
Std. 1 to 8 New Admission
Fee Heads Amount Tenure Mode of Payment Net Amount
Registration fee 2000 One time School Office 2000
Mobile App fee 500 Annual School Office 500
"Caution Money (Refundable )" 500 One time School Office 500
Admission Fee 600 One time School Office 600
Total 3600
Std. 1 to 8 Existing Students
Fee Heads Amount Tenure Mode of Payment Net Amount
Tuition Fee 600 Monthly Bank Deposit 7200
Term Fee 600 Half-Yearly Bank Deposit 1200
Lib/Craft/Exam 600 Annual Bank Deposit 600
Computer 1000 Annual Bank Deposit 1000
Total ( Annual) 10000